Hello there. On today's episode of "As the Tent Turns....." well- no juicy gossip today... or ranting.... but you have now found the place where I am likely to leave that stuff. Yes, I am adding a blog to the mix for all that info that just doesn't have another place to live but might be interesting to you both students and people of the interwebs. I even put an old photo to make it more interesting (taken a bazillion years ago at Streb Lab in Brooklyn when I was fresh from SF). Noteworthy and current news: Studio B Grayslake is now up and rolling. All of my classes are happening there. There are still some evolving parts but the upstairs is now functional for stretching. It is warmer and open to my adult students if you show up a few minutes early and want a head start on warm up and stretch. Heat rises and so should you!
- monkeyaerialarts
Thanmks for post