About Monkey Aerial Arts
Thank you for wanting to know more! On this page you will find some general information on the studio and most of these sections will link to another page dedicated to that information.

Owner & Aerial instructor
Tera has been teaching aerial arts since 2007. Her focus and philosophy is to encourage mastery of solid technical foundation to enable students’ successful advancement. She loves that aerial arts exist at the intersection of artistry and athleticism. She has founded Monkey Aerial Arts to both bring aerial arts to Lake County but also to be able to provide high quality beginner and intermediate technique based on the curriculum and methods of her former teachers and coaches.
The Studio
Studio B
A 2,700 sf circus space with 19ft ceilings developed to be the home of Monkey Aerial Arts. Aside from the capacity as a circus school, it hosts other types of fun, adventurous fitness and learning.
There are three studio areas (aerial, dance and upstairs stretching/ yoga), and a comfortable waiting area/ viewing room to the main aerial studio. In addition, there is a party room also with a view of the main aerial studio.
Interested in teaching a circus class or have another class you think would fit in here? Send us an email at StudioBGrayslake@gmail.com

With the popularity of aerial growing, its important to know what to look for in your new aerial home that will not only be tons of fun, but also safe. From proper rigging to mats and spotting, there are a lot of variables that go into trusting a studio with your safety.
We understand if you are new to this art, you don't know what you don't know! And that's ok! We want to empower you to have the information needed to make the choice that is best for you.
In these FAQ you will find answers to many questions. Including what to expect at your first class, class policies, suggestions for what to wear....

Having silks/trapeze and other aerial equipment at home is not recommended for beginners. There are safety concerns and many self educated aerial artists have skill gaps. A more complete explanation is given on the page dedicated to this.
ACE Member
We are a proud bronze organizational member of ACE.